Mental Health

 When you experience a physical injury or illness, you usually go see a medical doctor. When you are struggling with your mental health, where do you go? Many of us ignore our mental health or postpone getting help.

Healing and relief is possible! Taking care of your mental health affects your overall well-being and it’s important to seek help when you need it, just as you would for your physical health. Find a therapist you can trust and begin your own healing process. 

Visit our website @ or call (435)-283-4690 to book an appointment with one of our trained therapists.

The Art of Gratitude

The art of gratitude. 

There has been research that says that cultivating gratitude can lead to an increase in positive mental health. 

Some ideas for cultivating gratitude: 

– Start a gratitude journal/list

– Have another person do the journal/list with you or share it with someone

– Go around the kitchen table and say one thing you were grateful for that day

– Make a goal to contact someone every (day/week) and tell them something they do or have done that you are grateful for. 

– Driving with kids? Go through the alphabet and say 5 things for each letter that you are grateful for. 

Positive things come from connecting with others and gratitude.


In order to support the efforts to slow the spread of Coronavirus, and to allow clients to continue to participate in therapy, Sunray Family Counseling asks that:

All employees and all other individuals who enter the clinic will need to wash their hands upon entry and following a session. Also please wash your hands following any nose blowing.

We are asking clients to please limit the amount of time and people in the waiting room. We are encouraging parents to wait in their car, or leave and come back if they are comfortable. Families and individual clients are welcome to wait in their cars and their therapist will text them when they are ready for them to come into their office. 

As a reminder: if you are experiencing common signs of infection including respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath or breathing difficulties, please opt to use our Telahealth option. Our Telahealth option is open to all children, youth and adults however, individuals over 60 are strongly recommended to use this option. More information is on our website at

Thank you for your assistance.

Awakening Yoga Program

For the month of May, we are offering Awakening Yoga Classes every Tuesday morning at 7:00 AM!

From our Yoga page: Awakening Yoga is for every BODY. This class will focus on breathing, stretching and strengthening the body in a full range of motion. Think morning stretches with calming breath to get the blood flowing and the body feeling great! Awakening Yoga will be geared towards the students present. That means you can expect anything from a guided imagery meditation for stress relief, to a deep stretch and strengthening work out. Awakening Yoga is an excellent way of healing the mind and body together by promoting connection, calmness, and generating positive energy.

For more information about our community Yoga Instructor, Kiera Ryckman, Check out our full Yoga page.

We recommend you bring your own towel.

Are You Experiencing These Warning Signs In Your Relationship?

  • When my partner complains, I feel unfairly picked on.
  • My partner’s negativity is too intense, too much, too out of proportion.
  • I think it’s very important to determine who is at fault.
  • I feel like I don’t get credit for all of the positive things that I do.
  • When my partner complains, I feel like I am being attacked.
  • There’s no stopping me once I get started.
  • I don’t complain until I feel hurt.
  • When I bring up a problem, I try to convince my partner that I am right.
  • My spouse can be pretty arrogant at times.
  • I get fed up with all of the negativity.
  • I try to make general points instead of talking about one specific action or behavior.
  • I can’t think of much that I admire in my partner.
  • I can’t help feeling that there’s a lot of stupidity in my partner’s behavior.
  • When my partner is upset with me, I think of all the ways that I let down the relationship.
  • I am fed up with all of the negativity, and I wish my partner would change.
  • When I am hurt in an argument, I think about ways to get even.
  • My partner’s moods are so exagerrated and out of control.
  • I hate it when our discussions stop being rational.
  • I often withdraw and find it difficult to look my partner in the eye.
  • When we have a big argument, I usually threaten to leave.
  • I disapprove of my partner’s behavior.
  • I often think, “I don’t have to take this kind of treatment.”

Did you answer “Yes” to any of these questions?

If you answered “Yes” to 3 or more of these questions, there may be significant barriers to communication in your relationship. If you have a score of 5 or more, you and your partner may be engaging in behaviors that routinely damage your relationship.

What makes these behaviors so hurtful is that it’s so easy for them to become bad habits. They interfere with a couple’s communication, and create a continuing cycle of discord and negativity. Together, the couple creates a narrative in their minds that says, “You don’t care about me.” Eventually you stop reaching out to your partner, fearing that you will be rejected or hurt once more.

Please call to further asses your marriage with a free marriage check up appointment or call to schedule a couple’s session.

10 Signs Your Child May Need Some Intervention

Assessment for Child Therapy

Has your child:

  1. Experienced physical or sexual abuse.
  2. Witnessed domestic violence.
  3. Witnessed or is a victim of a traumatic experience.
    (ie: abuse, accident, animal attack, refugee experience, medical procedure, illness of a loved one)
  4. Experienced separation from a caregiver.
    (ie: divorce, foster care placement, death)
  5. Struggled with toileting issues.
    (involuntary or voluntary urination or excretion, bed wetting)
  6. Demonstrated concerns with eating.
    (refusal to eat, overeating or hoarding food)
  7. Exhibited sleep related concerns.
    (nightmares, night terrors, refusal or inability to sleep)
  8. Showed aggression toward others.
  9. Struggled with the inability to be soothed or tolerate frustration.
    (tantrums or emotional outbursts lasting longer than 20 minutes)
  10. Showed extreme defiance toward others.
    (inability or refusal to follow direction from authority or caregivers)

If you answered yes to any one of the 10 signs above your child would likely benefit from meeting with one of our play therapists. For additional information or concerns please contact our therapists.