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Experiential therapy can include Expressive Art, Sand Tray therapy, and more. Sand Tray therapy allows clients to express themselves on a deeper level. Through representative sand tray figures, an individual can better connect to a deeper awareness regarding their struggles and potentially communicate more meaningful or even symbolic information to the therapist.

Sand Tray Therapy

Sand Tray therapy allows clients to express themselves on a deeper level. If a person were to tell you about their mother or father, there would likely be a limitation on the information shared. However, if that same individual were to pick out sand tray figures representing their father and mother, it would potentially help them better connect to a deeper awareness regarding their parents.

Expressive Arts Therapy

Expressive Arts Therapy is popular with some teens and latency age children. That said, it can be helpful at any age—which is why Sunray offers a free online or in-person art journal class. It occurs every second Thursday of the month and begins at 8:00 p.m. (registration is required).

What challenges can Experiential Therapy help to address?

To schedule an appointment or if you have any questions, please contact us.